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DCI Software for Home and Community Based Services

What makes DCI software so innovative is its flexibility. Direct Care Innovations is able to automize agencies that provide all types of caregiving, including home and community-based services. Here are some ways we can automize your agency.

Electronic Visit Verification

DCI’s electronic visit verification is perfect for caregivers who travel to their client’s remote location. It uses a double verification process that requires both the client and caregiver to ensure services were provided. Our software also works in rural locations.


DCI’s scheduling software can make creating shifts an ease for your caregiving agency. It allows for easy shift trading, employee rotation, and real time staff-ratio management. Our software is available in online and mobile options for your staff and clients to view. It also allows agencies to manage overtime, staff to the appropriate client ratio, and provide services without exceeding authorization.


DCI’s authorization management software allows you to see and edit your clients’ authorization limits without any guess work involved. Your caregiver will never have to be concerned about providing service that won’t be billed.


DCI’s payroll and time attendance software allows you to track your caregivers’ worktime in any type of setting. Our module can be accessed through computers, tablets, and smart phones


DCI’s training software will ensure that no client is provided service from a non-training compliant staff member. Additionally, we provide training. That includes online training for accessibility. The more opportunities you can create for aspiring caregivers, the better.


DCI’s billing software benefits your agency and clients alike. It incorporates our authorization module, payroll module, and training module to create the perfect billing automation. Your clients will never be billed incorrectly or for services that exceeded authorization. More importantly, your staff will spend less time mailing out bills and more time focusing on clients. Interested in how DCI has helped caregiving agencies? Ready to automize your home and community-based caregiving services? Contact DCI today and request a sales demo.

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