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Electronic Visit Verification Compliance

As technology continues to advance, it is becoming easier for staff/caregivers to provide healthcare services to individuals who live in remote areas or are limited by mobility. This includes people who cannot leave their homes due to medical or health issues, or those who are living with disabilities.

To help encourage staff members to keep themselves and others accountable, show they make visits to those individuals they are serving, and keep track of their working hours, among other important parts of their jobs, DCI’s Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) is one way to stay organized and document a day’s work.

Staying Compliant With The DCI Verification App

Direct Care Innovations created an electronic visit verification app to empower caregivers to provide exceptional care knowing their efforts are being seamlessly documented. That way, staff can do what they do best, and leave the paperwork to technology. Here is a list of ways the app can further assist direct care organizations and caregivers in keeping track of the hours and services being provided to remote individuals. 

Staying Compliant In Traditional & Non-Traditional Work Settings

In a traditional work setting, it is easy for management to make sure staff members are staying compliant and completing work assignments efficiently since staff and management are all in the same building or are working in the same area. However, making sure staff members stay on track can get tricky when working in remote settings. Not only can management not monitor activities as closely, but staff can also fall into a loosely-ruled, flexible schedule, which is not efficient for anyone!

To encourage more accountability from both provider agencies and their staff, EVV can be set up to make sure everyone is working to their full potential most importantly providing care to individuals!

Electronic Compliance

There are several areas of compliance in the DCI electronic visit verification app. These areas include profiling for compliance, online access to verification, and reporting and monitoring compliance. Using some or all of these features for your mobile agency can help staff members stay accountable on the job. 

Profiling Compliance

Profiling for compliance is done with options that are included in the app, such as making profiles for staff, employee types, and lines of service. Business rules can even be created based on which features you choose to use on the EVV app. The app also has a notification engine that can be customized for overtime alerts, expiring authorizations balances, and more. These notifications allow flexibility so that workflow and business needs can be met.

Online Access To Verification

Compliance for online access includes links for various resources and online training resources so that employees have the information and resources to stay up to date on best practices for care and are constantly reminded to keep up with their training!

Reporting & Monitoring

Using the DCI’s reporting and monitoring feature, businesses and staff can accurately track their hours by logging the amount of time they are spending with individuals. This feature has the ability to monitor renewals and expirations of training, and even notifies supervisors, employees, and other staff when training needs to be completed to keep everyone compliant!

About Direct Care Innovations

Direct Care Innovations allows agencies to run the mobile side of their business with just one product. Please contact us at (480) 295-3307 to learn more about us and to get more information about our electronic visit verification compliance and other mobile services!

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