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EVV Vendor Selection: 3 Considerations for Providers

Starting in January of 2021, Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) will become a federal mandate for home-based health agencies. In the meantime, these agencies will be looking for EVV vendors such as Direct Care Innovations.

States offer two kinds of EVV models: open and closed. In closed states, the state already has an EVV solution that the providers must use, eliminating the selection of a vendor. In open states, providers can choose their own vendors for the Electronic Visit Verification solution. Here are the top questions a provider needs to ask when selecting an EVV vendor.

1. Does the EVV Vendor Conform to the Agency’s Compliance Standards?

Environmental compliance is the first thing that a provider should consider when researching a vendor. Every state has a set of standards and regulations that the health agency must follow, particularly when it comes to EVV operation. The requirements will vary state by state, so it will be up to the provider to research what the state requirements are and whether the vendor matches them.

2. Is the EVV System Interoperable?

Finding a good EVV vendor won’t just be about state compliance. Having decent interoperability should be a priority when finding an EVV solution. Interoperability is the ability to exchange information through large networks. When it comes to Electronic Visit Verification, the provider will need a quality EVV system that can successfully operate with the agency’s electronic health record system. One important question to ask an EVV vendor is whether their EVV solution can work alongside the provider’s current health records system.

The EVV solution will also need interoperability with the state’s system as well as the agency’s system. Does interoperability exist with the various payers that the agency deals with?

3. Does the EVV System Work Well For Caregivers and Administrators?

Providers will need an easy-to-use EVV system that is convenient for both the caregivers and staff administration. Caregivers and staff members are generally looking for easy communication, flexibility, a reliable layout, and an organized scheduling system.

There are different methods of delivery when it comes to Electronic Visit Verification. Mobile devices, tablets, reading devices, and telephones are the most available forms of delivery. Mobile-based EVV systems are considered the best in terms of delivery and convenience for all parties involved. The telephone method may not be as reliable since landlines are on the decline, and most caregivers are more likely to carry a mobile device. This means that when the time comes to choose an EVV vendor, wide accessibility across many devices is critical.

Request a Demo for DCI

Are you looking for a quality EVV vendor that meets your staff’s needs? Our clientele will have mobile and web access for its EVV technology. Our EVV system has a double verification process to ensure accuracy, GPS location tracking, time tracking, username and password features, a quick pin feature, and real-time balances available. The DCI model was designed with efficiency, compliance, and convenience in mind. Give our team DCI a call at (480) 295-3307 to learn more about our EVV solution & to schedule a sales demo today!

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