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DCI Software for Day Programs

Are you looking for a way to keep all of your day programs on track and organized? With so much going on both with residents and behind the scenes, it can prove incredibly difficult to do this all on your own. Thankfully, you don’t have to! With the help of DCI Software, it’s possible to schedule out all of your day programs, so regardless of who’s on shift, the day or time, everyone will be on the same page. Implementing the software and starting it up takes minimal setup time, so you and your staff can be up and running without the usual drag of bringing in a new program.

Schedule Out Resources and Employees

With Direct Care Innovations, it’s possible to schedule out anything you might have a need of. While this can include setting up employee schedules for who works different shifts, there are plenty of other options available for you to consider. Allocating different resources and setting up programs are a handful of the wide ranging features packed into the DCI software. In all, the resource optimization and employee management scheduling features include direct care worker hours, monitoring overtime, employee rotations, staffing to appropriate client rotations and managing schedule creation on the job (just to name a few of the expanding features available with the software). When you’re looking for ways to improve staff productivity and want to ensure everyone is always on the same page, relying on outdated programs or writing out schedules manually is not only a time-waster, but an easy way to miss important information. With the help of the day programming features available through the DCI Software, life will be much easier, and you’ll avoid many of the common pitfalls associated with these outdated methods. So if you’re ready to take your scheduling up to the next level, now is the time to invest in DCI Software.

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