Real-Time Authorization Management
Are you looking to improve authorization management of your healthcare agency? At Direct Care Innovations (DCI), we offer our Real-Time Authorization Management Module as part of our business management platform. We designed the authorization module to serve as a real-time data management and reconciliation system for Medicaid, Medicare, Managed Care, and other service code-based insurance authorizations.
Contact one of our professionals at (480) 295-3307 or request a sales demo today.
Authorization Utilization Tracking
Our robust Authorization Management Module offers several key functions:
- Serves as the system of record for agencies to access and maintain service authorizations.
- Assists self-directed programs in managing their monthly authorization budget.
- Enforces daily, weekly, and monthly authorization limits.
- Manages start, end, and expiration dates.
- Is the system of record for all care management and billing transactions.
- Tracks real time declining balances of the authorizations so agencies are aware at all times of the amount of approved service that remains on the authorization, preventing under or overutilization.
- Provides a portal to agencies and service providers for authorization management to create new service authorizations, deactivate old service authorizations, edit service authorizations, and increase or decrease service units/dollars on current authorizations in real time.
- Integrates with all other modules to ensure compliance and optimize usage of care.
Direct System Integrations
DCI is able to integrate with funding sources to automate the authorization process. DCI has integrations with multiple states, which automatically update authorization information. For other states, we work with clients to import updated authorization information into DCI and are open to exploring direct integration with the state or funding source.
Seamless Business Management
We offer full integration between our service authorization software and all of our other software modules to allow for seamless management of every aspect of your business. Our software prevents important details and necessary information from slipping through the cracks that results when spreadsheets, paper trails, and multiple different software programs are used. We save you time, money, and frustration so that you can focus on what’s most important.
Real-Time Authorization Management
Once you become a client and are using our Authorization Management system, you’ll wonder why you waited so long to implement our system. Are you ready to get started or have a question about DCI? Contact one of our professionals at (480) 295-3307 or request a sales demo today.